Safety and Security

The well being of a student is of prime importance in our school. All corridors and strategic areas are under CCTV surveillance with access to the respective heads and Security centre.

  • Secure check ins of parents and visitors
  • RFID students Identity cards for easy identification
  • Buses with GPRS and automated notifications for pick up and drop

Our infirmary is well equipped with 6 beds, a dental chair and adequate supply of essential medicines and emergency.


  1. Full Time Doctor On Campus Assisted By Two Nurses
  2. Essential Medicines Kept In Stock.
  3. Parents immediately should a child fall sick.
  4. Affiliated to two hospitals for any emergencies.
  5. A fully operational ambulance at standby.
  6. Monthly medical report.

School Safety Committee:

The school has a school safety committee under the chairmanship of the Head of School who is also the custodian of the Child Protection Policy.  

School Building And Campus:

The school prioritises the safety and security of the students within the campus as well as in the school buses as it is of prime importance at all times. The whole school is under the surveillance of CCTV cameras, strategically placed in classrooms, corridors, staffrooms, audi- torium, library and all other areas visited by the students. Furthermore, the school campus is secured with a boundary wall of adequate height and entry/exit gates in different directions, which are manned by trained security guards round the clock besides being under CCTV surveillance.Well lit and ventilated classrooms with Smart boards and comfortable flexible seating for collaborative learning are well equipped to accommodate 25 students.

School Transportation:

Well maintained air-conditioned school buses, fitted with speed governors, GPS system and CCTV cameras are available for the transportation of students. Each bus will be manned by a security guard, a nanny and the bus conductor.

Visitor Authentication Management System:

All visitors prior to entering the campus, will be required to comply with the following:
  • Produce an identity card
  • Have their photograph taken for the visitors tag.
  • Carry on themselves an appointment slip of the person they intend to meet, and return the slip while leaving with the signature of the person they met along with the visitors tag.
  • The control system will be able to ‘tag’ the movement of the visitor until their departure.

Student Mapping:

  • Movement of all students will be ‘mapped’ on the campus at all times. While the Outdoor Management System covers all aspects of transportation parents on our children using transportation – boarding, alighting, delay messages, and tracking of the bus, timely messages will be sent to parents.
  • Students who use their own transport will be mapped on entering/exiting the campus and during their time in school. Par- ents/Guardians will be required to carry ID cards provided by the school at the time of admission and along with the ‘Exeat Cards’ of the students, parents need to display their ID cards as well at the security gate as well while exiting with their children.
  • ‘In-School tracking or Indoor Management ‘ helps in providing information of the child whereabouts to the right authorities at the right time. Even the attendance is being integrated with this system and shall be marked automatically.
  • The tag system monitors the location of students in the school campus for their complete safety and security, which can be seen by parents on their smart phones after downloading the required APP.

Fire Safety:

  • Regular Fire drills
  • Training imparted to all teachers
  • Timely up- gradation of all equipment